Our Tomorrowland should look so good...
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Discoveryland at DP was the first attempt by the Imagineers to theme "Tomorrowland" in such a way as to prevent it from becoming dated too quickly. They did this by purposefully dating it back to the Industrial Age of the turn of the last century. It works remarkably well. So well that they copied it for the recent rehabs at WDW and Disneyland. I think in some ways the WDW version is a little more fun (and deranged). I have yet to see the DL version completed, but my spies were not very impressed (thanks Greg!). As far as the attractions go:
Missing: People-Movers, Death-buckets, Carousel Theater, Submarine Ride. (altho DL is missing most of those now too).
Star Tours is exactly the same except Rex & C3P0 speak french (but not the Rebel X-Wing pilot).
Le Visionarium,(called the Timekeeper at WDW), same movie as WDW, but in French (you wear headphones for the English translation), NOT voiced by Robin Williams & Rhea Perlman and the show suffers for it. Tho this IS the original version.
Captain EO had just closed and Honey is being installed.
Videopolis was being rehabbed (The Airship is it's entrance). It's an indoor theater.
Autopia is the same 'cept for the c00lo queue area (see behind the Nautilus.

I'll talk more about the Nautilus Walk-Thru, the Astro-Orbiters, and Space Mountain on their own pages.

Text Last Modified Wed Sep 17 13:10:35 2003
Check out our Trip Diary for Oct 30th on Kel's pages.
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